Category Archives: Medicare




Medicare reimbursement has slowly changed from a system primarily based on fee for service to a system paying for treatment of a population.  Physicians and other providers who have relied on Medicare have seen payments reduced and general income levels decline as a result.

Covered California and Value Payments

Reinforcing the view that medical care can be less expensive if incentives are put in place for providers, Covered California has always promoted the utilization of value payments over fee for service for physicians and other healthcare providers.  They view it as a method to reward quality care and patient satisfaction, even though it is having the effect of reducing payments to providers, making medicine more corporate medicine and driving smaller practices out of business.  This has happened with similar Medicare reforms.

The Model QHP Contract

The Covered California Board has been considering its contract with Qualified Health Plans (“QHP”) for the coming years.  A review of the 2017 Qualified Health Plan Contract and Attachments shows that the Covered California Board is continuing its advance to reform payment models under the Healthcare Exchange.

The Qualified Health Plan Model Contract (“Model Contract”) is the agreement entered into between the Qualified Health Plans (“QHP”) and Covered California. The contract sets the terms for the QHP  operate under in order to participate in California’s healthcare exchange.  These contracts have become the major method by which Covered California promotes its major policy initiatives, such as appropriate healthcare networks and payment reform to healthcare providers.

The Model Contract specifically references federal policy on incentivizing quality by tying payments to providers by measuring performance. When providers meet specific quality indicators or enrollees make certain choices or exhibit behaviors associated with improved health, providers receive a higher level of payment.    Such policy requires quality reporting, care coordination; chronic disease management, patient-centered care, evidence based medicine and health information technology. (Quality Improvement Strategy: Technical Guidance and User Guide for the 2017 Coverage Year.)

Attachment 7 to the QHP Model Contract

Attachment 7 to Covered California 2017 Model Contract provides the meat of the policy.  According to Attachment 7, QHPs are to work with Covered California to create healthcare networks that are based on value.   By working with Covered California, all QHPs will share data which they have received from providers across the state.  The plan also contemplates meetings where best practices are discussed.

QHPs Must Select Healthcare Providers Who Are Utilizing Quality Measurements

Under Attachment 7, all plans must include “quality” measurements in the selection and utilization of providers, including “clinical quality, patient safety and patient experience and cost.” Covered California will carefully monitor the plans to assure that that  QHPs only contract with providers and hospitals that demonstrate quality care.

QHPs are to ensure that providers which are serving enrollees with conditions that require highly specialized management have “documented special experience and proficiency based on volume and outcome data.”   Attachment 7 further specifically requires the submission of the Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems, developed by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality.  The CAHPS requests information from the consumer experience, including:

  Asking about aspects of care for which a patient or enrollee is the best or only source of information.

  Asking about the aspects of care that patients say are most important.

  Asking patients to report on the health care they receive.

  Reflecting input from a broad spectrum of stakeholders, including patients, clinicians, administrators, accrediting bodies and policymakers.

Finally, Attachment 7 promotes the use of Patient-Centered Medical Homes as well as integrated care models, with quality and patient satisfaction as key data points; population-based care, including integrated care; utilization of electronic health record technology, including utilization of data for results management and clinical decision support and patient support.

2017 continues the trend toward value added care.  Physicians and other providers should start preparing practices for this new payment models if they intend to continue in medicine.

By Matt Kinley,Esq., LLM, CHC




Los Angeles Medical Association: Navigating the Hornet’s Nest of Reimbursement

Matt Kinley Speaks to Los Angeles County Medical Association on March 23, 2016.  Contact Mr. Kinley at if your interested in attending.


Fraudulent Claims Act: Could they investigate your office?

Physician offices sometimes feel immune to the regulatory pressures imposed by federal and state authorities. I’ve heard expressions such as “we are such a small office” or ” we deal with such small dollars” to excuse lax or ill-informed billing practices. The solution is to create an office compliance plan, to make sure your office completes all billing correctly.

Here, from the Office of Inspector General, is a report of one small physician’s office that the OIG did investigate, resulting in a $650,000 settlement. Note the investigation arose from another investigation where a doctor was banned from all federal healthcare programs for 15-years.

“12-18-2014 OIG Enforcement Case
A Medical Practice, Doctor in New York Settle False and Fraudulent Claims Case
Jennan Comprehensive Medical, P.C. (Jennan) – a medical group practice in New York – and its owner, Henry Chen, M.D., entered into a $694,887.02 settlement agreement with the Office of Inspector General (OIG) for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, effective December 18, 2014. The settlement resolves allegations that from May 15, 2008 to December 31, 2013, Jennan and Dr. Chen knowingly submitted or caused to be submitted false and/or fraudulent claims to Medicare for physical therapy services. Specifically, OIG alleged that these claims were false and/or fraudulent for one or more of the following reasons: 1) physical therapy services were not provided or supervised by the rendering provider; 2) group services were billed as one-on-one provider-patient physical therapy services; 3) services were performed by unqualified individuals; and/or 4) claims for time-based physical therapy services did not accurately reflect the actual time spent performing the services. Senior Counsels David M. Blank, Tamara T. Forys, and Lauren E. Marziani, along with Paralegal Specialist Mariel Filtz, represented OIG.

This case developed as a result of OIG’s prior investigation of Joseph A. Raia, M.D., a former Jennan employee. Dr. Raia entered into a settlement with OIG on February 11, 2014 for $1.5 million and agreed to be excluded from participating in Federal health care program for a minimum of 15 years.”


Posted by Matt Kinley, Esq.


Compliance in Physician Offices

Compliance guidance for physician practices was issued by the Office of Inspector General in 2000. Since that time, many physician practices, especially more complex specialty practices, have developed some sort of compliance plan. Compliance covers many areas of a healthcare practice.

Although compliance plans have not previously been mandatory, they have become “industry standard” as a way to minimize risks associated with health care regulations such as the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996, the Medicare and Medicaid Fraud and Abuse Laws, Anti- kickback Statute, Civil Monetary Laws, False Claims Act, the Clinical Laboratory Improvement Act and all other state and federal statutes, regulations and directives that apply to the operation of a complex physician’s practice.

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010, in section 6401, requires Health and Human Services and the Office of Inspector General to promulgate regulations that require most healthcare providers and suppliers to establish compliance programs. The compliance programs are intended to be “effective in preventing and detecting criminal, civil, and administrative violations” under the Medicare and Medicaid laws and other laws that govern operations.

Under the Affordable Care Act, physicians and group practices, will be required to establish compliance programs as a condition of enrollment in the Medicare program.HHS is required to issue regulations creating a timetable and basic core compliance program requirement.

Physician groups should begin the process of establishing compliance programs as soon as possible and not wait for final regulations. Compliance programs are a good way for physician practices to reduce risk associated with fraud and abuse and other legal matters that present risk to their operations. It makes sense for physicians to begin development now to provide ample time for creation of appropriately scaled policies and input from various personnel in the group.

It will not be sufficient to adopt pre-written compliance policies. Rather, physician offices must establish a continuing system of review for their office. Practices may need to be modified based upon their specialization. The seven core elements of effective compliance programs have been released by the Office of Inspector General, including the Physician Practice Guidelines.
A compliance program requires the physician to perform a risk assessment in their organization and document the outcomes of that assessment. The risk assessment could take many forms. Compliance professionals talk about a “gap analysis” which is an approach to help determine the vulnerabilities of your organization. Areas of risk provide emphasis to appropriate areas of risk that are identified through your risk assessment.
The seven areas of emphasis include:
1. Adoption of written guidelines and policies to promote the organization’s commitment to compliance;
2. Identification and appointment of a high ranking individual within the organization to serve as compliance officer;
3. Establishment of anonymous reporting systems, preferably through multiple pathways, to encourage individuals to make complaints regarding compliance items without fear of retaliation;
4. Effective education and training programs for all levels of employees and others with close relationships to the organization;
5. Ongoing auditing systems to assess the effectiveness of the compliance program and to provide input into areas that require additional emphasis;
6. Mechanisms to enforce the requirements of the compliance program and to discipline employees for violations of the organization’s commitment to compliance; and
7. An ongoing system of program modification based upon audit, feedback and experience that can further adapt the compliance policies to the specific issues faced by the organization.

By Matt Kinley, Esq


Payment for patients can land you in the federal penitentiary.

Home health care companies are facing more and more scrutiny from federal and state regulators. Such companies, particularly if they bill Medicare, are subject to all the laws, rules and regulations as are all health care providers.

In a case just reported by the Justice Department, an 64-year old owner of such a healthcare company pleaded guilty to violation of the Anti-Kickback laws for billing for services that were unnecessary and in some cases not even provided. He also paid recruiters which provided the company with patients. The owner was fined over $6.5 million, 75-months in prison and sentenced to three years supervised release. The case was investigated and brought as part of the Medicare Fraud Strike Force. However, such cases can be brought by state investigators or even by whistle blowers who are paid a percentage of recovery for reporting the health care provider, even if the whistle blower was part of the fraud.

The ramifications of even technical Medicare rules can be catastrophic a person’s life or business. Home health care companies should have competent legal representation to make sure their business plans are appropriate. Home health companies will soon be under rules that require compliance plans. Legal counsel should be engaged to help put in place an appropriate plan.

By:  Matt Kinley, Esq.  You can contact Mr. Kinley @ (562)715-5557.