Payment for patients can land you in the federal penitentiary.
Home health care companies are facing more and more scrutiny from federal and state regulators. Such companies, particularly if they bill Medicare, are subject to all the laws, rules and regulations as are all health care providers.
In a case just reported by the Justice Department, an 64-year old owner of such a healthcare company pleaded guilty to violation of the Anti-Kickback laws for billing for services that were unnecessary and in some cases not even provided. He also paid recruiters which provided the company with patients. The owner was fined over $6.5 million, 75-months in prison and sentenced to three years supervised release. The case was investigated and brought as part of the Medicare Fraud Strike Force. However, such cases can be brought by state investigators or even by whistle blowers who are paid a percentage of recovery for reporting the health care provider, even if the whistle blower was part of the fraud.
The ramifications of even technical Medicare rules can be catastrophic a person’s life or business. Home health care companies should have competent legal representation to make sure their business plans are appropriate. Home health companies will soon be under rules that require compliance plans. Legal counsel should be engaged to help put in place an appropriate plan.
By: Matt Kinley, Esq. You can contact Mr. Kinley @ (562)715-5557.