The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services has posted remarkably readable and useful information about the transition from ICD-9 to ICD-10 on their website.  Click here to see. 

On October 1, 2014, a key element of the data foundation of the United States’ health care system will undergo a major transformation. We will transition from the decades-old Ninth Edition of the International Classication of Diseases (ICD-9) set of diagnosis and inpatient procedure codes tothe Tenth Edition of those code sets — or ICD-10 — the version currently used by most developedcountries throughout the world. ICD-10 allows for greater specicity and detail in describing a patient’s diagnosis and in classifying inpatient procedures, so reimbursement can better reect the intensity ofthe patient’s condition and diagnostic needs.
This transition will have a major impact on anyone who uses health care information that contains adiagnosis and/or inpatient procedure code, including:

• Hospitals

Health care practitioners and institutions

Health insurers and other third-party payers

Electronic-transaction clearinghouses

Hardware and software manufacturers and vendors

Billing and practice-management service providers

Health care administrative and oversight agencies

Public and private health care research institutions

Planning and preparation are important to help streamline your practice’s transition.